IMG_4385My friends and I are all in the same spot. We are entering our mid-to-late twenties and trying to make sense of everything we *think* we know about life. I’m learning that I don’t have to have everything planned out just yet. There’s some time and we are still pretty young (for now).  (more…)

Screen Shot 2015-06-08 at 12.09.43 AMI found my two-year-old thesis, and felt like it was digital buried treasure. In short, it is about my family. In long, it is about me and how everything I’ve learned and absorbed growing up, beginning in this house, has allowed me to be where I am today, far from home in New York. Removed from this safe space–the island I grew up, the homes I was raised in and the people that support me–I figured something out. I figured out that I should record my past and remember things I might have forgotten. Every story has a beginning and this is definitely mine.


Category : Matsumoto Thesis
Date : May 2, 2013

Thesis is consuming my time and energy to the fullest right now. All day, all night, can’t go a minute without thinking about thesis. The opening for the show is just one week away so it’s crunch time. Remember this dinner from January? Well, it’s coming back again to go into my thesis documentation. My friends and family with be NY famous!

One down.

Date : April 19, 2013

matsumoto thesisOne dinner down, many more to go. Today was the first night I held a dinner for my thesis with my close friend Marisa. We met on the first day of grad school, and since then have survived two hurricanes (one being a little more serious than the other), an earthquake, a trip back to her home in Boston, many fun times, and most importantly, MFADT. Marisa has become more than just a friend, but family. I was happy to share this Panera Bread meal with her, has a lot of meaning to us because it’s our go-to meal, and apparently the same for her family at home!



Date : April 8, 2013

LocoMoco_MatsumotoIt’s breakfast time in NYC and I could really go for a Loco Moco like this one from Sam Sato’s on Maui, right about now. Loco Moco, a local favorite in Hawaii, features rice, a hamburger patty, and over-easy egg with brown gravy. It’s 6AM, working on thesis, now that’s loco.



Date : February 28, 2013

Since September, I have been working on my thesis for my graduate program at Parsons. There is a lot more…
