I knew nothing was the same when I went from not knowing any buildings, to pointing out a lot of buildings. I won’t ever know them all, but I know enough. From 100 floors above the world at One World Trade, everything is different. Perspective is everything.


This past weekend was a big one for NYC. The Mets played in the World Series, it was Halloween, and the TCS NYC Marathon was on Sunday. Somehow, I made it to do something for all three things. However, it left for a sleepy Sunday morning and a necessary chocolate earl grey doughnut from DOUGH in Brooklyn. While watching 60,000K people run by, I tracked a friend, caught up with another and I’d say this last weekend was a success.

Making trails.

Category : 2 0 1 5, East Coast, NYC
Date : October 25, 2015

PingyPumpkin_01We live in an age where our digital trail follows us everywhere. Nothing is ever “deleted” from the Internet and there seems to always be a way to trace activity. Scary? Yes. A threat? Often. But we do it anyway. Putting things on the Internet openly is like taking a risk. Living on the edge. If someone wanted to they could piece it together and figure you out but let’s hope ain’t nobody got time for that.

I’m leaving a trail. A digital one and a paper  one for myself to trace back and figure out if the time comes that I want to do that. I’ll take pictures to post to Instagram and connect them to stories in my sketchbook. They sometimes sit with comments made by friends on Facebook and the real story might be told through words in this blog. Until then everything will remain a mystery. It’s just as much a mystery for myself as it is for anyone else. For many people this means nothing, but for me, it’s everything.

Another year, it’s crystal clear.

Category : 2 0 1 5, Brooklyn, NYC
Date : October 19, 2015

Cocktails, BROOKLYNBirthday is over, its Monday, October 19. The weekend brought so many things and I can’t recap right now because I should be working on a few important projects. Instead, I am thinking about moments like this when you’re walking in a dark street mixed between dark warehouses, brownstone houses, and the middle-of-nowhere “Cocktail Truck” with string lights and fenced off yard. The moment you know you need to take a picture because who know when you’ll see this sight again. After all, it was Bed-Stuy and when am I ever out there?

It’s crystal clear I’m still in awe with the city and that’s good. All it means is there will always be something to look forward to seeing again.

Five-Dollah Ballah

Category : 2 0 1 5, NYC, Queens
Date : October 13, 2015

Astoria_MondayFrom Jimi Hendrix to a old black and white of people in front of an old building, $5 will get you wall art of all kinds. The Golden State Warriors won their title in 2015, but that air brush art looks like it came from 1995. Street fairs are one the of the few times unique shops like this come out to play and this one was there all yesterday,

Getting the most out of a little.

Date : October 10, 2015

IMG_7474As I look at my planner (yes, one with pages and blocks for every day of the year), and flip to next week, there is a big B coming up. Birthday. Another year of celebrating life and a milestone to really mark the end of a year and start of another. (Picture from the start of this past year when I blew out a handmade candle from an apple cider vinegar bottle after being serenaded by an 8 year-old and ate a toppled cake from Dominique Ansel)

I am changing. While birthdays of my younger years were filled with dreams of what types of gifts I wished to receive (and $$$), they are different now. People ask me what I want and my answer is nothing. Everything I need right now, I already have and I really believe it. (more…)


From high in the sky at 427mph, I’m composing and uploading this post. That’s right, from the airplane. In my life time, there have been advancements that people of the generation before would never have imagined. Sure, we have been able to pay for WiFi in the air for a while now, but now this is FREE. So on a day that rained and rained, making the commute to the airport extra challenging, after a week of sleepless nights and long workdays, free wi-fi was my glimmer of sunshine. (Hey, its the little things). Looking forward to seeing more real sunshine and escaping the east and Tropical Storm Joaquin. #BYEJOAQUIN


Category : 2 0 1 5, Eats, NYC, Queens, So Fresh
Date : September 29, 2015

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The peppers on the outside are cheaper since they’ve been around longer but can they really tell where it came from? No, but that doesn’t mean you lie. Pono, do what is right!
