In an instant

Date : February 11, 2015


The technology complex is a big one. We live in a world where we never really have to “wait” for anything anymore. In fact we are doing more. Things come and go in an instant. We can upload and delete seconds later if we change our mind. We can go back in time and change history if we really wanted to–digital history. We no longer have to think about precious portraits like the ones that came from cameras like the ones above (seen at the Brooklyn Flea), because our iPhone 6 Plus with 128GB of storage can save and delete them ALL, for free. The growth of technology has changed the way we live our daily lives. I know it has changed mine. I can take pictures or videos with the touch of two buttons, then two clicks later share it out to hundreds of people. In an instant, someone hundreds and thousands of miles away from me can see what I am doing.

I love that technology keeps us so connected. Most of my friendships have continued because of technology and some have even blossomed because of it. We have a fine line to go between. The one that puts us on the side that depreciates precious moments–the real face time–we spend with people and the other side that gives us priceless moments our devices won’t capture. We also have to remember to give people a chances and hear what they have to say beyond the  blue, green and gray bubbles on our phones. Just another way technology can change things in an instant. We have a lot to think about these days; what we share, how we say it, where it goes, when we do it and all of this, we do, in an instant.
