Third grader keeping it real on this Monday with some pencil motivation. The mind of a child is fearless. At least that’s what I have learned. Being able to spend everyday with one has sent me daily reminders about what it means to live, take risks, and love.
Ping isn’t concerned about what anyone else thinks of him. He will put temporary tattoos all over his arms, wear an outfit that doesn’t match, and burst out in song at any street corner. He will do all these things with extreme confidence. He takes the risks that many adults continue to hold back from in fear of what someone else might think. Ping also loves. While love right now might only be for video games, cartoons, and his iPod, he is passionate about all these things. Ping is an open book with no walls to hide behind. He works hard to get what he wants and does it with all his heart. When he wants something I see him try his best. Disappointment also comes across his face if he misses his goals. This mini-person has shown me what it really means to be true to yourself.
So it was fitting when I saw these words Sharpie’d onto Ping’s pencil. He’s only nine but he’s already figured out how to give himself what he needs to motivate himself. I know he knows what “BEASTMODE” means better than any adult I know because I see it, everyday and it never gets old.