Date : October 16, 2015


5AM in New York and it’s not just any day but it’s my birthday. I’m listening to Lil’ Wayne, Drake, and Demi Lovato (I know, what a combo) and working per usual. But, for whatever reason, I thought about someone–my Dad.

Two years ago I finished this thing called thesis  As much of a bitch it was, it really put me in a place where for the first time, I was talking about my life and make sense of what I am all about. The day my thesis really came together was October 25, 2012. On that day I revealed this missing piece, Dad. I even juxtaposed these two photos together. One of him in Japan, 1965 and me in Central Park, 2011. For the first time I admitted and accepted that I really wanted to do a personal thesis.  A personal exploration of how the themes in my life trajectory thus far in my life have stemmed from various events–the passing of my father, my upbringing, leaving Hawaii for college, and moving to New York. Since then, I’ve been able to embrace the difference, challenges, and triumphs I have made along these milestones in my life.

I think I am thinking about thesis and my Dad today because New York is what it took for it come together. Without moving here who knows if I would have ever tapped into this part of my life.  My time here has allowed me to separate from what I knew and piece everything together again.

A lot has happened this year and even more is going to happen in the next. I know it. As nervous and excited as it makes me, I also know that it is the right time for everything. The struggle is just as real as they say it is but who’s to say it’s not worth the fight. Don’t find me in the ring because I’m busy fighting life.

